API version v1.0
Creating a new deal, POST or GET
Parameter | Description | Optional | Default |
Name | amount - the amount to be credited (before the commission), the commission will be calculated from above; wallet - USDT (TRC-20) wallet for withdrawal; order - order id in your system; respond - address to return the notification; key - your key |
POST | https://api.tokencore.io/api.php?method=create_order |
id - the created payment, save it, you will need it to find out the payment status later, or cancel the payment;
wallet - issue this card to the client for payment;
amount - the amount with our commission, notify the client that for a quick payment he must pay this amount (this or more, it is advisable to pay exactly), so the payment will be processed automatically.
time_unix - time in UNIX format until which the ticket is considered active, after the time is up it will be marked as "time_out"
Rate Limited | False |
Response Format | JSON |
Authentication | None |